I spent the day July 27 and July 29 at Airventure 2021 in Oshkosh, WI. Tuesday morning started out with some rain and gusty winds in the area, but by noon the bad weather passed and the airshow was on. Friday the weather was perfect all day. I was experiencing some equipment problems and most of my Friday pictures will need some editing.

Vought F4U-1A in the rain – early morning Tusday at Airventure 2021

It was good seeing so many airplanes on the field as well as the number of people attending EAA Airventure 2021. I’m sure like myself, most people were glad to be back and enjoying our aviation community once again. I spent most of my day in the warbirds area but did get to photograph some general aviation types as well as some experimental airplanes.

This beautiful RV-10 with a tribute to US Veterans was a site to see. Cudos to the owner on a wonderful display

The weather on Tuesday started to get better around noon and the aircraft owners – warbirds in particular – were removing the rain from their airplanes. The flying started and the sounds of Oshkosh were again filling the air. Overhead you could see and hear the B-25 and B-17 rides that were taking place. I believe the launch point for these flights was Fond du lac, but I may be mistaken. The Ford Tri-motor was busy all day giving people rides over Lake Winnebago just east of Wittman Field – OSHKOSH.

Typical of Airventure the Vintage area was full. This is one of my favorite areas at Airventure

I spent most of the morning and early afternoon on Tuesday in the warbird area on the north side of the field. Lots of warbirds in attendance. I was especially interested in the newly restored Grumman F6F Hellcat on display from the Fagen Fighters WWII museum Granite Falls, MN. I had seen posts of this airplane on Instagram and was very interested in seeing this airplane up close and getting my own photos of it. This airplane was featured at the Warbirds in Review on Friday morning with special guest Ensign Don McPherson. Don was a WWII Navy pilot – ACE. Don recently celebrated his 99th birthday. The colors on this Hellcat are the same as the airplane Don flew during WWII. The aircraft review by owner/pilot Evan Fagen and warbird restorer/pilot Steven Hinton (Stevo) was very informative and down to earth. The stories by Ensign McPherson were priceless. I am so grateful Fagen Fighters were able to bring this airplane and Mr. McPherson to Airventure to share this history with everyone in attendance. Great man from the greatest generation who flew one of the most iconic aircraft of WWII. As one of my shirt designs in my store boasts, “VETERAN – we may not meet but you will never be unknown to me” Very blessed to have attended this rare event.

Fagen Fighters newly restored Grumman F6F Hellcat – Judged Winner – Grand Champion World War II

I did manage to complete a few aircraft walk around videos that will be posted on the sites Aircraft Video Database after post edit.

On Tuesday afternoon I also took some great video of the Rad Aerosports Jet powered WACO Taperwing. This airshow act is something to be seen. The aircraft is fitted with an engine from a Cessna Citation and the flying and the sounds are quite the shock to the senses. On the one hand you hear and see a vintage biplane trading altitude for airspeed with the natural prop snapping sound at the pullout. Then you hear this jet engine sound kick in and the aircraft leaps back into the sky with the vertical climb of a military fighter. Very strange on the senses if you’re familiar with airshow acts. I’ve got to say this act puts a smile on my face very time I watch it. I’m glad I was finally able to capture it on video. You can see this an more video from Tuesday at the link below on my YouTube channel Everything Airplanes dotcom https://youtu.be/9S7fzNLQr9E

RAD Aerosports Jet powered WACO Taperwing – You can view a portion of this video at Everything Airplanes dotcom on YouTube

This event brought a couple of firsts for me also. This was the first event which I was able to see a CV22 Osprey in flight and on the ground. The rotors are much larger than I had imagined. I was also able to video a rare appearance of a Lockheed P-38 Lightning which was on display at the Friday afternoon airshow. Friday at noon the EAA also gave a tribute to all US Military Veterans. They had the veterans gather in the warbird area and form a parade just outside of the airshow line. The veterans walked from the warbird area to the Boeing plaza and were treated to a special veterans acknowledgment there. Veterans coins were distributed to all the veterans – sponsored by Fagen Fighters WWII Museum. Thanks to Ron Fagen for sponsoring this event. And thank you to all our veterans for your service to our country. “VETERAN – WE MAY NOT MEET BUT YOU WILL NEVER BE UNKNOWN TO ME” (check out the shop page to order a shirt with this profound statement).

As usual EAA Airventure 2021 came and went too fast. Always too much to see and not enough time. I haven’t heard any final numbers from EAA, but I believe this year will go down as one of the best in terms of aircraft and people in attendance. I’ve got a ton of post editing work to do from my video from this event as well as photo editing for my Instagram posts (@everythingairplanes_). Always a great time at Airventure – good people – good airplanes and plenty of opportunities to learn something and meet some new aviation and hopefully Everything Airplanes fans. Have a blessed day Proverbs 3:5 Matthew 6:33

Upcoming Events for Everything Airplanes

  1. Warbirds and Classics over the Midwest – Giant Scale RC show – Fond du lac, WI August 19 – 21, 2021
  2. Grassroots Fly-in hosted by Midwest Antique Airplane Club – Brodhead, WI September 10-12, 2021
  3. Northern Illinois Airshow – Waukegan, Illinois Airport – Waukegan, IL September 11, 2021
  4. Chino Airshow – Chino, CA October 31 – November 2, 2021
  5. Kalamazoo Air Museum – F117 Nighthawk display opening Kalamazoo, MI TBD
  6. Fagen Fighters WWII Museum – Visit and Review Granite Falls, MN Mid-October